At NextGen Material Testing, we take great pride in knowing that our clients trust us with the equipment and services we provide in order for them to get their job(s) done appropriately. We believe in ensuring high quality options that are also sustainable and affordable.
Today we are going to cover the metallographic equipment that we have in our inventory. Metallography is a precision based assessment of analyzing the structure and properties of metals. It is important that as you are conducting work within this field, you are well aware of utilizing your equipment appropriately and efficiently. Here are a few of the machines that we currently have to offer to you for metallographic work.
The GenCut GL 100 series are precision cutters that are also low-speed metallographic diamond saw machines. These specific metallography cutters are versatile in making sure that you are capable of sectioning delicate material or parts without any deformation. With the thin diamond blade, you will be able to avoid alternation and burns on the surface(s) that you are working on. Notable features include a touch screen interface, speed wheel control from 0 to 400 rpm, easy to use programmable functions, and accepts wheels of 3″ to 5″ (75-125mm) in diameter.

Our GL200 series are low-speed diamond saw precision cutters that are perfect to use heavy volume usage. This machine can accept cutting wheels between 3″ to 7″ (75-175mm) in diameter. Features on this series of saw precision cutters include the option to use diamond blades, speed control between 150-2000 rpm, and an automatic shut-off feature.

The GL 600 series abrasive cut off machines for metallographic sample prep is an amazing option for businesses/individuals that need a compact size manual abrasive cutter. While the size of the machine is small, it is still powerful just like our bigger abrasive cutting machines. These easy to use abrasive cutters also have a 1-3HP motor that will be very useful for users. The design of this machine compliments easy consistent use even with heavy-duty usage. Notable features from this series includes sizes that are available (between 250mm to 300mm), a fixed speed spindle (with an option to upgrade), a 50L coolant tank, and options for single/twin vices.

Our GenCut GL 1000 series abrasive cut off machne is perfect for users that work in laboratory settings. Operators can use the metallographer for any type of material to section off in an appropriate manner. You will definitely appreciate the perfect cuts that this high-speed precision cutter allows for you to have. The GenCut GL 1000 series has an amazing X & Z axis, which will ensure that you do not have to guess your cuts or deviate from what you desire.

The GenCut GL 2000 series is great for heavy-duty abrasive metallographic sample cutting for larger samples and metallographic sample preparation volumes. This series is an automatic abrasive metallographic cutter, which will allow for users to multitask (if necessary). Features on this series of abrasive cutters include an easy to use touch screen panel, quick positioning options allowing for two-way cutting, a programmable cutting function, and the option to use either a diamond blade or an abrasive cut off blade.

Are you an expert and looking to make manual metallographic sample preparation cuts at your discretion? The GenCut QA series is exactly what you want. These small units are perfect for their size as and each unit has a diamond blade attached to it. You can use these units on large flat surfaces, printed circuit boards, or other electronic components.

Our team are highly trained professionals that aim to not only meet the expectations of our clients, but exceed their expectations. We have a variety of options to choose from as we specialize in testing industry materials such as metal, plastic, rubber, cement & concrete, soil mechanics, and rock mechanics. When you are looking to complete a specific task at your home or business, we want you to have confidence in receiving dependable equipment to work with.
Please feel free to request a quote at your earliest convenience by calling us at 1-888-332-3582. You can also visit this page that has all of the e-mails and phone numbers of specific departments.