When you need to test a large number of samples for hardness, you need a machine that doesn’t slow you down. At the same time, you need your instruments to be precise enough to give you the exact results your facility requires. This means you need Vickers hardness testing that is expressly built to take care of both of these needs.
The NG-1000 Micro Vickers Hardness Tester
This is the most popular model in our Vickers tester series. It offers a motorized turret, large LCD displays, and a user-friendly interface. This makes it easy to control your tests.
Even better, many aspects of the testing are automated. The turret automatically changes both the objective lenses and the indenter positions, so there is no need for manual adjustments. Even the loading and unloading of the test force is automated. This not only speeds up the operation, but also eliminates the randomness that comes from manual operations. You simply set the dwell time, and the instrument does all of the rest.
Once a piece is tested, the operator can print out the series of readings. This eliminates hand transcription and ensures that there are no recording errors.
The NG-1000 CCD
This hardness tester is more advanced than the standard NG-1000. It includes a CCD camera and comes with our VickersSoft Vickers Hardness Test software. This software detects the material’s hardness value by processing data from the camera. It also allows you to categorize results by ID number or part number prior to exporting the data.
These two testers are some of our best sellers, but we also have other models and configurations available to meet your needs. Take a look at the AGEN, DGEN, and CCD models as well as the NG-1000 to ensure that you get the perfect one for your application.