If you’re looking for equipment that allows you to focus on precise, abrasive cutting of materials (including both soft and hard metals) look no further than our GenCut series. Housed within our precision metallography equipment category, this product grouping allows our clients to shape specimens into the exact size required for further analysis.
To learn more about the models of low-speed precision saws provided by industry leader NextGen, read summaries of each below.
GenCut GL 100 Series:
This series precision cutter includes our low speed diamond saw machines, which allow easy sectioning of delicate parts or materials with no deformation. This machine uses a thin diamond blade with continual lubrication and will not allow any burning to occur. This model allows for wheels with a 3″-5″ diameter and provides speed wheel control from 0-400 RPM.

GenCut GL 200 Series:
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Similar to the GenCut GL 100 Series, this machine uses a precision low speed diamond saw and again, allows you to cut and section wide variety of small and delicate samples. This model is notable for its ability to handle non-homogenous material structures.

GenCut GL 600-800 Series:
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This series low speed precision saw, which includes the 600, 700 and 800 models, is both compact and powerful. Conveniently designed as a table-top manual abrasive cutter, these models fit into any metallographic or materials oriented lab, making this machine particularly versatile. All three models of low speed diamond saws also provide a robust 1-3HP motor and are designed for heavy-duty continual use.

GenCut GL 1000 Series:
Like the GenCut GL 600-800 Series, the 1000 series uses a laboratory design and will section any material with no deformation. This model also takes performance up a notch from the 100 and 200 series by using a high-speed (rather than low-speed) precision cutter and it also uses both diamond and abrasive blades. An added feature is that this model allows users to cut on X & Z axis to a perfect cut during every use.

GenCut GL 2000 Series:
Performance meets advanced technology with this cutter model. An automatic cutter is complemented with a touch screen panel and provides simple positioning of samples for cutting and sectioning. It also goes one step further than the GenCut GL 1000 Series by allowing cuts in 2 directions, providing a large cutting capacity and programmable fuctions. This model also uses either an abrasive cut off blade or a diamond blade on variable rotational speed.

GenCut QA Series:
This model provides user control through the use of manual units. We recommend this model for specific section cutting from printed circuit boards, large flat materials or electronic components. Like the excited for section cutting from printed circuit boards, flat materials or electronic components. Like the GenCut GL 100 Series and the GenCut GL 200 Series, this model uses a diamond blade.
Whatever model of cutter you choose, you can be sure that our experts at NextGen Material Testing will be happy to help. Reach out to us here to get started.