Digi Test II is an automatic Shore, IRHD and VLRH hardness testing system. The unit comes equipment with 4 main components: Electronic unit, the loading module (pick-up bracket), the test stand, and the interchangeable measuring unit for methods of Shore, IRHD and VLRH.
GenDin is designed to conform to the ASTM, EN, IS0 and DIN standards. This top quality and highly popular abrasion tester will allow you to measure the abrasion resistance of rubbers (vulcanized thermo set rubbers and thermoplastic elastomers) that are subject to abrasive/frictional wear on their actual service. Since wear is always a result of abrasion, different test methods have been developed for the simulation of long-term wear.
The NG-1000 - Micro Vickers and Knoop Hardness tester is the most advanced hardness tester for accurate measurements and ease of use. The NG-1000 - Micro Vickers and Knoop Hardness tester comes standard with a motorized turret and is available in three (3) different configurations to suit all requirements.
GenTaber is NextGen's Taber Abrasion Tester is widely used to evaluate wear resistance. It can conduct tests on a wide range of materials such as: cloth, paper, paint, plywood, leather, tile, glass, rubber etc. It tests the specimen by rotating it while in contact with the grinding wheel and applying the required pressure.
Despite its small size, the axis of the heavy cast iron frame on which the TensileMill CNC MINI slide on linear rails very smoothly. Its exceptional machining capability is provided by high powered servos and a 24,000 RPM ISO20 spindle.
Pendulum Charpy/Izod Impact Testing is a high strain-rate test to determine the amount of energy absorbed by a material during fracture.The Impact tester involves a pendulum of known mass and length which is dropped from a known height to strike an Impact Specimen.
Metals hardness testing is the measure of how resistant a solid matter is to permanent shape change when an indenter is applied at a known force. When testing metals, the indentation hardness correlates linearly with the tensile strength of the material.
NextGen metallography equipment is focused on the structure refining of metals and alloys. It specializes in different methods of speci-men preparation including cutting, polishing and grinding. The process of evaluating physical properties of the specimen is made easy using the NextGen Metallography equipment.
NextGen Material Testing provides you with a complete range of Universal Testing Machines, also known as a tensile tester. A universal testing machine is used to test different materials for tensile stress, compression strength, bending and other mechanical properties of a wide range of materials.
NextGen offers a full scope of Hardness Testing Consumables, Metallography Consumables, Tensile Testing Consumables, Tensile Sample Preparation Consumables, Abrasion Testing Consumables and more. You will be able to find an extensive variety of high quality consumables and spare parts at some of lowest pricing in the North American market.
The NextGen testing frames incorporate precision electromechanical load frame equipment to meet all of your testing needs. Built according to industry standards, the NextGen EML line features or latest TestPilot software which comes pre-programmed with some of the latest testing methods.
This German manufactured fruit firmness and fruit hardness testing device is designed specification for the determination of the pulp hardness of a given fruit. Additionally, the system is fully capable of testing the firmness of vegetables, meat and even fish thanks to the interchangeable indenters. This state-of-the-art device is invaluable for trading companies serious about their quality control procedures.
Gelomat is an automatic capsule hardness tester designed for regular and soft gel capsule testing. This state of the art system is developed by the latest R&D technology to meet and exceed the highest quality standards for gelatin capsule testing. The system comes standard with your desired testing head and can be upgraded to optional accessories for maximum efficiency.
Ball Rebound Tester is a device designed to test resilience of materials such as foam, polyurethane and other similar materials. The unit comes certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 8307 and ASTM D3574 industry standards. The test consists of a 16mm magnetic ball dropping freely onto a sample from a specified height of 500mm.
NextGen's Pendulum Rebound Resilience Tester series offer both manual and fully-automatic options with digital display terminal. These rebound testers will determine the dynamic behavior of various materials and supply the differentiation of these materials' qualities. It will also identify material changes after aging and fatigue.
Pusey & Jones is a rubber and rubber like material testing plastometer system. The unit is designed for testing rubber rollers in the paper industry. The system can test specimens with flat surfaces and thickness of 13 mm. This portable solution can be upgraded to the automatic test stand which allows for the ultimate accuracy and repeatability results regardless and elimination of operator error.
HPE III is R&D's latest development of the next generation HPE testing systems. The system offers cutting edge features above and beyond the standard HPEII model. The system is capable of taking a hardness value while a temperature sensor mounted on the bottom of the device is taking a temperature value.
This German-manufactured system has been the global benchmark of Shore hardness testing systems since 1954. With ever enhanced ergonomic design, the HP Shore Hardness Tester is both visually appealing and precise rubber and plastic testing system as it has been for nearly 50 years.
The NextGen testing frames incorporate precision electromechanical load frame equipment to meet all of your testing needs. Built according to industry standards, the NextGen EML line features or latest TestPilot software which comes pre-programmed with some of the latest testing methods. TestPilot is designed for users to reach the most accurate results while providing an easy to use interface for even the most inexperienced users.
HPE III is R&D's latest development of the next generation HPE testing systems. The system offers cutting edge features above and beyond the standard HPEII model. The system is capable of taking a hardness value while a temperature sensor mounted on the bottom of the device is taking a temperature value. The display will indicate the hardness value, the temperature as well as the humidity values.
GenKron is used together with a special balance for testing the abrasive consumption of materials. The measurements are done through volumetric loss of a rotating specimen exposed to the action of a standard grinding wheel. It is especially suited for testing harder materials such as shoe soles, tires and other rubber materials.
GenBurst is designed to test anti-rupture strength of variety of materials such as leather, paper and fabric. The unit tests the resistance of specimens to bursting using a hydraulic diaphragm bursting tester.
GenDin is designed to conform to the ASTM, EN, IS0 and DIN standards. This top quality and highly popular abrasion tester will allow you to measure the abrasion resistance of rubbers (vulcanized thermo set rubbers and thermoplastic elastomers) that are subject to abrasive/frictional wear on their actual service.
GenFlex tests the ability of rubber products to withstand repeated flexing without developing cracks is of prime importance where such products are used in conditions undergoing repeated flexing.
The machine is used to simulate an environment of sunlight radiation on a specimen to identify the resistance of fabric to discoloration.
The machine is used to test the dyeing of the fabric, and the fade degree of the leather after dry or wet rubbing. The test method involves the specimen to be fastened to the base of the crocking meter and rubbed with an abrasive hammer attached to a wet or a dry cloth under controlled conditions.
GenFreeze is specially designed to test the characteristics of various materials in a cold environment to ensure suitability for use in a cold climate. Based on the testing demand, adjust the beater and flexing grip, then load to the desired position.
GenDale is mainly used to test shoe fabric, shoe lining, and many other types of shoe related materials. The unit can test up to four specimens at the same time for abrasion. The fabric specimen is measured by having rubbing applied on it via a complex direction of back and forth motion.
GenMooney is a viscosity testing machine is applied to measure the viscosity of the unmixed or mixed unvulcanized natural rubber, synthetic rubber and regenerated rubber .This tester has many functions such as fast warming, maintaining temperature, data stability, etc.
GenNBS is used to test the abrasion resistance of vulcanized rubber or other rubber compounds. It is commonly used for the soles and heels of footwear. It has an intelligent power failure recovery system.
This machine is designed to get the characteristic curve and characteristic parameters of rubber vulcanization by measuring the applied moment of rubber to the oscillating dye body. NG-ODR rotor-free vulcameter has an excellent stability of results.
GenSalt is designed to test the surface of different materials for resistance to corrosion. The unit is commonly used to test coated materials of a metallic nature in a controlled corrosive environment. The test can be used on rust-proof painting, anodizing, electroplating and rust-proof of grease.
The machine is designed to test the abrasion resistance of fabrics and metals. The abrasion of fabrics is tested when the specimen is pulled over the frame and rubbed against an abradant over a curved surface.
GenRebound tests the resilience of rubber compounds. The machine must be adjusted in a horizontal position and the plunger raised at a specific height. The plunger is then released onto the specimen for a given number of impacts. The measurements are based on the 4th, 5th, and 6th impacts.
The Blaine apparatus is a system that is used to determine the particle size of Portland cement, limes and similar powders. The Blaine value is expressed in terms of their specific surface area. The specified surface is determined by measuring the flow of resistivity of air through a porous bed of the dry cement powder.
NextGen's full customizable range of curing chambers has the ability to work with two types of display controllers. Our GenSTILL technology allows for a fixed/constant temperature and humidity values (stability testing) while our GenREVO technology allows for different programs and cycles (dynamic testing).
The autoclave has a high-pressure steam vessel measuring about 154 mm dia. x 430 mm internally, suitable for holding a rack with 10 specimens along with the NG62-0033/B molds.
Robust devices for efficiently mixing cement mortars according to international standards.
The new Vicamatic/A machine has been completely redesigned. As with the older generations, the test procedure is unchanged where a needle (or a probe) drops freely into a cement sample at regular intervals and in fixed positions. Penetration depth is measured by a sensor with 0.1 mm resolution.
The Vicat frame consists essentially of a metal stand with a sliding rod. An adjustable indicator moves over a graduated scale. The needle or plunger is attached to the bottom end of the rod to make up the test weight of 300 g.
GenMoist is designed to automatically and simultaneously dry and weight a solid sample for the determination of moisture content. The machine provides a continuous direct readout for both the weight and the percentage moisture loss through the entire cycle. It has a build-in timer.
The new MULTISPEED tester is the ideal solution for Road testing laboratory. The 50 kN capacity and the fully variable test speed of 0.2 to 51 mm/min make it possible to perform not only the CBR and Marshall tests, but many other applications as for instance Indirect Tensile test, Quick Triaxial tests, Unconfined and Uniaxial soil testing and, in general, all test to be performed under displacement control.
Dynatriax systems are ideal for commercial and research laboratories for the following applications: Liquefaction potential, Strength degradation due to cyclic loading, Shear modulus and damping ratio, resilient modulus, Effects of blasting in mines and quarries, Effect of ocean waves on costal and off shore structures.
The AUTOTRIAX Automatic triaxial system not only can perform Effective Stress triaxial tests with all the above vantages but is the unique and indispensable apparatus to perform the Stress Path test.
This test determines the rate and magnitude of consolidation of a soil specimen restrained laterally and subjected to a number of successive increments of vertical loads.
This test determines the rate and magnitude of consolidation of a soil specimen restrained laterally and subjected to a number of successive increments of vertical loads. In this automatic model, the incremental loading, in the load (stress) or swelling (strain) mode, is fully automatic for a practical and accurate test execution with more reliable test results.
The SHEARMATIC 300 automatic machine is ideal for testing geosyntetics and also soil and other materials that contain large particles of up to 20 mm largest dimension. Sample size up to 300 mm square can be tested, with inserts allowing the testing of smaller sample sizes. See accessories.
RESONANT COLUMN combines the features of both resonant column and torsional shear into a single unit including the current driven motor to apply torsional load to sample, a series of transducers with signal conditioning, a cell and back pressure electro-pneumatic control system and a data logger.
This test cover the determination of the consolidated drained shear strength of a soil material in direct shear. The AUTOSHEAR machine is controlled by a microprocessor system which reads and processes horizontal force and displacement readings, manages the motor and the safety controls through closed loop system.
This microprocessor based advanced model, is a stand-alone machine, driven by a high-resolution stepper motor with epicyclical reduction gear with reduced backlash. Incorporate a pneumatic closed loop system for the automatic application of the axial pressure by a high performance pressure regulator, with the main advantage of eliminating the manual loading of the dead weights.
The laboratory vane apparatus is based on an original concept of the Transport and Road Research Laboratory of the United Kingdom. It can be provided with a wide range of vane sizes, although as standard, it is sold with the 12.7 mm square vane and a set of four calibrated springs.
The West Cerchar Abrasivity Index Tester is designed to determine the rock abrasivity index (CAI) for the purpose of quantifying the classification of rock materials abrasivity. This type of test is especially valuable in the mining industries, underground construction and various tunnelling excavation processes.
This universal saw, completed with the suitable accessories, can be used to cut concrete and rock cores, and irregular rock samples in order to obtain geometrically defined samples. It can be fit with 300 to 450 mm dia. blades.
This apparatus was originally developed at Imperial College, London, by Professor E. Hoek. It is a simple and practical method of determining the strength and slope stability of rock, both in the field and in the laboratory.
The apparatus consists of a load frame 60 kN cap. with a hydraulic loading ram actuated by a hand pump. The frame is adjustable for testing samples up to 102 mm dia.
NG-CoreTrim is used to obtain rock samples perfectly machined (cube, prisms, etc) from irregular rock or core pieces. It is supplied complete with a proper vice to hold irregular pieces firmly in place up to 7x14 cm approximately and "V" device for cores up to 75 mm diameter.
This machine is specifically used in the laboratory for cutting core samples from hard materials such as rock and concrete. A clamp is provided to firmly secure the material during the cutting cycle. The coring area is protected by a transparent cylinder.
Used to grind and polish rock and concrete specimens, natural stones, ceramic materials, etc.
Please use our search function at the top of the navigation bar to search by your ASTM/DIN/ISO/etc standard to locate your related testing equipment.
NADCAP Certification for Material Testing
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How we communicate and speak with each other is so vastly different in today’s digital age, and we recognize that with each individual, comes a unique method of communication. It is our responsibility to be able to make every client feel understood, listened to, and to make sure that they understand us.
Nowadays, terms such as “environmentally friendly” and “locally sourced” are constantly at the forefront of companies that are looking to strike an environmentally conscious cord with the market. The problem is, while these companies may appear to be helping the environment in the short term, what many fail to address is how they plan on being environmentally conscious in the long run, in other words, how to be sustainable.
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