The GenPress Series - Mounting Press Systems is designed to alleviate the user from the challenge of handling difficult specimen shapes and sizes during sample preparation procedures. The equipment is also used to protect the edges and any other defects found on the surface of the samples. A thermoplastic medium is required for stability to support the sample in the process of grinding and polishing. These metallographic mounting presses come standard with all the necessary consumables for your long term unit operation. Be sure to review the videos within the product pages to learn how simple these metallographic mounting presses will help you reach your sample preparation goals.
GenPress MFA DUAL HYD Metallographic Sample Preparation is an advanced automatic mounting press for compression mounting of material samples
GenPress MFA MOT mounting press system frees the operator to perform other tasks in the laboratory during the cycle allowing better efficiency
GenPress Mounting Press for Metallographic Sample Preparation is an advanced automatic mounting press for compression mounting of material sample
Experience our enhanced version of the GenVac MP Series. Our user-friendly touch screen interface along with automatic unit conversion and memory modes holds the title of one of the most advanced systems in the marketplace.
GenVac MP2 - Vacuum Impregnator is designed for precision sample impregnation for porous materials. Common applications for vacuum impregnation systems include rocks and minerals, ceramics, electronic circuit boards and other composite materials.
Learn about the full scope of NextGen's cutting, polishing & grinding, mounting and etching metallography consumables. Our consumables are compatible with virtually all global brands, offering a rare combination of exceptional quality, longevity and affordability.
Please refer to the below links summarizing the differences between the mounting press systems. For more information, contact us today to help supply you with the mounting press machine that best fits your needs.
All of NextGen's hot and cold mounting press solutions are design with user-friendliness in mind. The question becomes 'which unit is the most optimal based on my daily sample volume'. With our manufactured to order and refurbished cold mounting press line-up, we are confident that we will find the correct option for your daily sample volume and time savings. Contact us today to learn more.
NextGen's lead time commitment for your semi-automatic mounting press is between 2-4 weeks from the beginning of the manufacturing phase to doorstep delivery. The semi-automatic mounting press machines are thoroughly tested and inspected in our facility prior to dispatch to insure that you get the perfect metallographic mounting solution every time. Contact us today to learn more.
The metallographic mounting press equipment is technologically advanced yet fundamental in its operation. The metallography mounting presses with NextGen can come upgrade with a 3 piece samples mounting option. This allows you to reach triple productivity with the same unit. The fully automated metallographic mounting press gives you an additional benefit of no operator involvement during the hot mounting press process. Request your quote today to learn more.
When it comes to mounting larger volumes of metallographic specimens we would recommend going with the MSA Series semi automatic mounting press or the MFA Series fully automatic mounting press. Both of the suggested mounting presses for metallographic specimen preparation offer a high speed sample preparation with minimum to virtually no operator involvement. These state of the arts mounting presses allow the operators to spend minimum time preparing between 1 to 3 samples at any one given time in minutes. Feel free to review the videos outlining the process for our Semi-automatic mounting press equipment and Fully-automatic mounting press equipment or visit our YouTube channel for additional specimen preparation solutions.
Our metallographyic mounting press line up covers a mass range of metallographic sample preparation needs for any quality control lab. GenPress Series - Metallography Mounting Presses are here to serve your needs with semi-, fully-automatic and advanced mounting press equipment. Our vacuum impregnation systems are state of the art allowing for multiple sample preparation of porous materials with speed and ease. Contact us today to learn more.
The main difference between semi and fully automatic mounting presses in the GenPress Series - Metallography Mounting Presses is the level of operator involvement. Depending on your laboratory needs you may be okay with your engineer being present during the mounting process or having the flexibility of walking off to complete various tasks during the same hot mounting press process. With our GenPress MSA - Semi Automatic Mounting Press the process requires minute monitoring of the pressure during the mounting process. GenPress MFA - Fully Automatic Mounting Press model controls the pressure automatically after the sample and the epoxy has been loaded in the unit. Both machines operate with speed, ease of use and finesse. You may choose to watch the videos for GenPress MSA and GenPress MFA to experience the difference.
Check out GenVac MP Series - Epoxy Mounting Vacuum Impregnation System for metallographic sample preparation. This unit is one of NextGen's best sellers because of the value it brings to our customers. Simply watch the target="_blank">GenVac MP Video to learn how easy it is to work with this cold mounting press to reach your sample preparation goals. This state of the art affordable metallographic mounting press is equipped to take care of your porous material needs including rocks and minerals, ceramics, electronic circuit boards and other composite materials. Request quote today to learn how the GenVac MP Series is your optimal affordable vacuum impregnation equipment solution.
When it comes to high volume sample preparation needs, the GenPress MSA and MFA Series - Semi and Fully Automatic mounting presses for metallographic sample preparation needs are your top options. GenPress MSA and MFA metallographic mounting presses are very close in their technical make-up. Each one can hold samples of 1" up to 2" in diameter. Each one can come with an option of 1 or 3 samples holders for maximum efficiency. Both units are designed for ease of operator use. You may review the videos of both of the mounting press systems at GenPress MSA Video and GenPress MFA Video. When it comes to a quality mounting press machine, you can rely on NextGen. Contact us today to learn more.
NextGen Material Testing, Inc. brings you're the GenPress MFA Series - Fully Automatic mounting press equipment for metallographic sample preparation needs. This automatic mounting press series comes with a touch pad or a touch screen upgrade for the simplest mounting of your samples. The heating, cooling, and timing can be adjusted as you require. Watch the GenPress MFA video to learn the operational process of this affordable mounting press. Request quote today to learn more.